ביורפואה חישובית

מחקר מלווה

משהו על המאמרים …. טקסט טקסט טקסטמשהו על המאמרים …. טקסט טקסט טקסטמשהו על המאמרים …. טקסט טקסט טקסט

Bar, C., Dorfman, B. S., & Yarden, A. (2022).
Introducing Authentic Datasets into the Biology Classroom: Teachers’ Considerations when Designing Digital Instruction Units.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2022, pp. 227-234. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Bar, C., Dorfman, B. S., & Yarden, A. (2022).
Introducing Authentic Datasets into the Biology Classroom: Teachers’ Considerations when Designing Digital Instruction Units.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2022, pp. 227-234. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Bar, C., Dorfman, B. S., & Yarden, A. (2022).
Introducing Authentic Datasets into the Biology Classroom: Teachers’ Considerations when Designing Digital Instruction Units.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2022, pp. 227-234. International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Bar, C., Dorfman, B. S., & Yarden, A. (2022).
Introducing Authentic Datasets into the Biology Classroom: Teachers’ Considerations when Designing Digital Instruction Units.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2022, pp. 227-234. International Society of the Learning Sciences.