Feeding a Hungry Planet
Teacher & Student Materials Feeding a Hungry Planet This unit raises the question, what will we eat in the future? It addresses the challenges to our diets and changes that we expect to see occurring. The unit consists of five learning sets, each driven by a different question: How can we feed our growing population? […]
Quenching a Thirsty Planet
Teacher & Student Materials Quenching a Thirsty Planet Even though Earth is a water planet, humans in many places are faced with a lack of clean water. This unit centers on the topic of clean water and is driven by the question: “What can we do to ensure that future generations will have access to […]
Teacher & Student Materials Introduction Each of the three Grand Challenge units is accompanied by digital teacher and student versions of the curriculum materials, supplies and equipment. Paper versions can be provided if needed. The teacher materials are educative, giving the teachers additional background knowledge on the relevant scientific ideas and practices, pedagogical options that […]
Powering a Warming Planet
Teacher & Student Materials Powering a Warming Planet Fossil fuels are amazing substances. They provide the energy that keeps the world going. Yet, their ongoing use is causing global warming, which can lead to climate change and many other issues. This unit consists of three learning sets: Evidence for global warming is provided and a […]